Safety Culture

Cultural Safety

Culture of any region is a living style of people belonging to that region. Culture changes over the period as people adopt changes in their living style in order to cope up with the prevailing conditions  of survival. People love and respect old culture and remember it through cultural programs. 

What is Safety Culture? It is a Care for safety demonstrated by employees across the organisation irrespective of any constraint. Organisation or industry has many milestones to achieve during its journey to the best safety culture. For example, establishment of excellent safety processes (Compliance, Audits, Incidents, Process Hazard analysis, safety reviews, emergency preparedness),  demonstration of care for safety by employees, Safety integration across all the processes of business, empowerment of employees, zero incident program etc. Safety culture of any organisation or industry is a result of different characteristics of their people demonstrated during their transformation journey from ‘Safety First’ to ‘Safety, a core value’. Every business process irrespective whether it is technical or non-technical (finance, marketing, human resource, or administration etc.) has some important role to play in achieving ‘zero incident’. Hence all the processes must be integrated with safety.   

Safety culture of any organisation or industry is a result of different characteristics of their people demonstrated during their transformation journey from ‘Safety First’ to ‘Safety, a core value’.

Finance department can ask for SHE approval for the project before release of funds. Human resource can ask for the safety record of any employee recommended for merit or promotion, Sales and Marketing department can ensure that product safety training has been imparted to customer before product is delivered. These are some of the signs of integrating safety with different processes.

In an industry with established safety culture, employees across all levels including contract employees are empowered to talk about safety, take decisions in favour of safety, monitor workplaces and enforce safety. There is no fear in the employees for noticing and/or reporting unsafe acts and conditions or even interrupting the work for safety reason.

Mayra Safety is committed to work with its clients as a partner for establishing and enhancing Safety Culture that will benefit organisations in running their businesses more smoothly and confidently.

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