Developing Contractors Safety Management

Developing Contractors Safety Management

Contractors are integral part of any business. Industries appoint contractors for many kind of jobs that are out side the main stream of their business like construction of buildings, erection of infrastructure within a site, security etc.

Many contract employees work at different sites as per the requirement of their owner where as many contractors suffer high rate of attrition. Many of the contract employees are temporarily appointed and likely to have poor safety and health awareness. Health and Safety of contract employees is a primary responsibility of management from moral and legal point of view.

Health & Safety of contract employees is a primary responsibility of management from moral and legal point of view.

In order to protect contract employees from adverse effects of processes and also protect processes from poor, undesired and adverse actions of contract people, industries need to focus on safety and Health awareness of the contract employees. Industries need to develop Contractors Safety Management that takes care of defining rules and regulations, facilities required by them, their training needs, separate budget, their participation in the safety and Health program and regular monitoring of their safety performance.  

Mayra Safety offers assistance to the industries to develop Contract management system. In case of further inquiry please fill below form and send.  

Contractors injury record