Industrial safety training is one of the most important aspect of safety excellence. Developing safe working skills, safe attitude and safety awareness among workers is a primary objective of industries handling highly hazardous chemicals. Training of workers is also mandatory as per different acts and Rules applicable to Industries. However the task is undergoing a high degree of difficulty level on account of; 1) difficulty in sparing workers and staff for training during their duty hours 2) ignorance in identifying needs of training 3) same trainer/same training material every time making the training sessions boring 4) Training program taken up not to refresh or learn new things but to comply with the statutory requirement.
We have a comprehensive training program for your employees with due consideration to all the requirements.
- We offer training to your employees on topics of your choice from the below list
- We also formulate training programs for industries on need basis and take complete responsibility of developing your employees on safety skills and awareness.
List of topics (A)
- Train The Trainer
- Safety Leadership
- Behaviour Based Safety (BBS)
- Safety Observation (SOs)
- Fire Prevention and Protection
- Basic Electrical Safety & LOTO
- Static electricity
- Lightning
- Handling of dust/Dust explosion
- Handling of flammable gases and liquids
- Emergency Preparedness & MOCK DRILL
- Learning from Accident
- Zero Accident Program
- Road Safety
- Working at height
- Confined Space Entry
- Hot Work
- Stores / warehouse Safety
- Role of Supervisor in Safety
- 5-S
- Accident Investigation
List of Topics (B)
- Safe Fork Lift operation
- Layer of Protection Analysis
- Hazard area classification (HAC)
- Risk assessment
- Understanding MSDS
- Hazardous Chemical Handling
- Hazardous Chemical Transport Safety
- Forklift Safety
- Manual Material Handling
- Construction Safety
- High Rise Safety
- Excavation Safety
- Crane Safety
- Communication in high Rise
- Barricade
- Scaffolding
- Ladder Safety
- Demolition Safety
- EHS Legal Awareness