Quantitative Risk Assessment
Industries handling flammable, toxic or reactive chemicals are at potential risk of disastrous incidents. In the beginning stage of a project, management should conduct QRA for every such chemicals to assess a magnitude of damage in case of eventuality. Maximum credible loss/accident scenarios and consequence analysis are important parts of QRA that enables us to keep sensible areas outside the risk area either by reducing the stock of respective chemical below certain level or choosing appropriate location of respective storage or process within the site . F-N curve identifies areas with different societal risks and enables management to ensure that sensible areas of society are falling outside the ALARP (as low as reasonably possible) region of risk. Project Head should use the information to keep populated areas of the site (offices, laboratories, control rooms etc.) outside the unacceptable risk areas.
If old plants have not undergone QRA, this is a right time to go for it. Small leakage can also lead to a big emergency, hence emergency response should also be developed for possible leakages.
Mayra Safety has a qualified team of experts to conduct QRA and provide further support in implementing risk mitigating measures. To avail the service fill below form and click ‘SUBMIT‘.