Safety Integrity Level
Industrial installations for storage and handling of hazardous chemicals are always at potential risk of explosion, fire, toxic release and catastrophic incidents. The risk is reduced to an acceptable level by using safety instrumented functions (SIF). A performance level of SIF needed to bring down the risk to the desired level depends upon a magnitude of potential risk. SIL measures the performance level of SIF. SIL matrix may also be developed on the basis of risk matrix.
HAZOP should be integrated with SIL study. This is because the risk and respective measures (SIF) are determined in the HAZOP and SIF without integrity level is again a big risk.
When an SIF is assigned with any of the SIL level, it is mandatory to maintain the SIL level across the loop and not only to the particular instrument.
Mayra Safety conducts SIL audits of running plant to evaluate SIF adequacy. However for new plant we include SIL in the HAZOP study. In case of any query submit the form attached on the right side.